Qianjiufa | Recommended ways to eat pear and Sichuan peppercorns

Speaking of Sichuan peppercorns, our first impression is often Sichuan cuisine: Mapo Tofu, Spicy Rabbit Head, Malatang... Even the Sichuan peppercorns in ancient times were called Sichuan peppercorns, and the name is branded with Sichuan.Zanthoxylum bungeanum is a necessary spice for every household. It has a rich aroma and is mostly dark red in appearance. It is mostly produced in Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan and other places in China. People cannot do without it when cooking various dishes or making various braised dishes. it.In the previous article, the editor has introduced that Zanthoxylum bungeanum has many other functions, such as medicinal, health-preserving, etc.; now the editor is introducing to you a Zanthoxylum bungeanum pear cup that can moisten the lungs and relieve coughs.

Pepper pear cup

Sichuan pepper is not only a condiment, the correct use of Sichuan pepper can also be used to regulate the body.

Here strongly recommend a cough prescription - pepper pear cup, especially suitable for cold after the body cold and heat caused by cough.

【 Material preparation 】
Sydney pear, peppercorns about 30, square crystal rock sugar 3-5 pieces

【 Practice 】

1. Clean the pear, cut off the head and place the head to one side first, then hollow out the middle of the pear body and make it into a cup.

2. in the pear cup into an appropriate amount of Sichuan pepper and a little water (according to the situation), sweet friends can be placed in a pear cup one or two rock sugar.
3. the first cut off the head, cover the pear cup.
4. Put the pear cup into the steamer and cook it for 10-15 minutes with high heat (the pear can be steamed through).
5. Turn off the heat and let stand for 5 minutes. Remove the lid and serve.

【 Efficacy/function 】

Pear white into the lung, moistening dryness and clearing heat; Sichuan pepper through three jiao, dispel lingering cold. Sour and sweet with a little spicy pepper, slowly drink down, throat is also moist, lungs are clear. The perfect combination of Sichuan pepper and Sydney will bring the efficacy of both to the extreme.

Pepper pear cup not only plays the role of moistening the lungs and relieving cough, but also can directly supplement the Yang of pepper into the body. Because of the phlegm and dampness, these wastes need the transportation of spleen (Yang) qi. Especially Yang deficiency and Qi deficiency, the Yang in the body is not much, and friends who lose weight need to make up Yang.

  • Landscape Yilong, hometown of Zhude, capital of Zanthoxylum bungeanum
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